Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to launch a token?

You only pay gas fees, depending on the cost of GWEI, currently around $1.

How do I make a token?

Its very easy, you need Metamask wallet and some Base ETH in your wallet. Then simply click "launch a coin" and follow the steps. It takes about 2 minutes and only costs gas fees.

After my token has launched can I change any information?

No for security reasons, but your are able to post comments on rocket.fun and update the info on dexscreener/dextools once you reach Uniswap.

What is the bonding curve ?

It's the liquidity pool of the token. Once the market cap reaches $69,000 your token will be listed on Uniswap and the LP will be burned.

What's the total supply of each coin?

The total supply is 1 Billion on all coins on rocket.fun. No additional supply can be minted.

Do I need to add liquidity to launch my token?

No liquidity is needed to launch, just pay a small gas fee.

How do I find the Contract (CA) of my token?

Your token address will be in the URL, example: rocket.fun/[CA number here]

Is it possible to delete my token?

Once its launched, its on the blockchain and not able to delete.

How long does Uniswap listing take?

Once your the bonding curve hits 100% it will take about 1-5 minutes.

How do I turn off the flashing animation?

On the homepage you can choose "off" under the animation control button.

How do I buy 1% of my own token?

Upon creation you have the option to buy first. Total supply is 1 billion, 1% is 10 million tokens you would need to buy to have an allocation of 1%.

Is it possible to add taxes to tokens?

No taxes on any Rocket.fun coins.

What blockchains does Rocket.fun support?

Base only at this time.

How can I contact support?


Do you have a main telegram community?


Does Rocket charge fees?

We charge 1% on every successful buy/sell transaction. Uniswap Listing: $400 in ETH (rebalanced into the bonding curve).

How much LP is burnt when the coin gets listed on uniswap?

200,000,000 tokens (20% of the supply)

Last updated